Business Japanese

Depending on your needs, we can create a program that combines or focuses on business conversation, business writing, business presentation, and business speech.
We have a flexible system of make-up lessons which is ideal for those who are very busy.
You can pick, choose, and combine each of the following different programs to create lessons that are perfect to attain your business goals.
Business Presentation Program
This program is designed for students who are intermediate level and above. We have different syllabi for students who have a presentation in a month and for students who want to improve their presentation skill over a longer period of time. Instructors with a wealth of business experience will support you in various ways, from making documents and materials, to teaching you how to react spontaneously, and to improving your facilitation skill.
Business Writing Program
This program is designed to improve your writing skills. The program will improve your writing skills to fit your needs and business goals with such things as internal business emails, business emails for customers, reports, proposals, requests for approval etc. If you need to, we will also help you correct your actual work documents. You will become able to write both short emails and long documents using the business honorific language specific to Japanese.
Business Conversation Program
This program is designed to promote your conversation ability. Such situations as everyday conversations in your office with your coworkers, dealing with customers completely in Japanese, and very important job interviews that you have, we will assist you in leveling up not only your conversation skills but also your understanding of Japanese business manners. You will be confident and able to express yourself with ease even during conferences and meetings that are made up of only Japanese people.
このプログラムは、会話能力向上に焦点をあてています。 オフィスでの同僚との会話、日本語での顧客対応、就職面接等、様々な場面での会話力の向上を目指します。さらに日本のビジネスマナーへの理解も深めるような内容になっています。少人数の会議はもちろんのこと、大規模な会議でも、自信を持って日本語で発言できるようになりましょう。
Business Speech Program
This program is designed for students to be able to give long speeches in front of many people. It is especially focused on specific situations where you have to do such things as introductions, congratulatory speeches, and other business-related speeches. We will focus on working with you on the actual task or tasks that you have to do. This program is specifically for students who are intermediate level and above.
Intensive Programs Available

The length of this course can basically be from one week to three months. However, depending on your situation and goals, we can arrange a specific schedule, lesson length and time that works for you. We can also discuss with you about mixing and matching the above courses.