We offer qualified and experienced teachers. Our love of Japan and the Japanese language inspired us to create a program that incorporated experiencing Japanese culture through a variety of activities while practicing language skills.

Tomoko Imada
Instruction using the direct method in Japanese and indirect method in English, Korean and German. Has over 30 years of experience as a Japanese instructor including four years of teaching experience in Hong Kong. Can teach all levels of Japanese, from beginners to advanced and beyond. She loves rugby and has a lot of international professional players as students.

Eri Iimure
Instruction using the direct method in Japanese. She lived and studied in the US for over 10 years, so she specializes in teaching the indirect method in English. Good at private and group lessons teaching beginner and upper levels. Has extensive business background and also teaches business English to Japanese people.

Kayo Sugimoto
Instruction using the direct method in Japanese and indirect method in English and French. Has taught Japanese in Japan and France for a total of 14 years. She is well known for her Osaka sense of humor and her ability to manage a class full of laughter. She uses coaching to help learners develop their abilities and improve and maintain their motivation. Her hobbies include theater, dance, and other forms of physical expression.
Elle a enseigné le japonais au Japon et en France depuis 14 ans. Elle enseigne à la fois la méthode directe japonaise et la méthode indirecte française. Elle est connue pour son esprit d’humour Osakaan et sa capacité à gérer une classe pleine de rires. Elle utilise le coaching pour aider les apprenants à développer leurs capacités et à améliorer et maintenir leur motivation. Elle aime le théâtre, la danse et d’autres formes d’expression physique.

Emi Ito
Instruction using the direct method in Japanese, and can give indirect method instruction in Spanish, English, and Korean. Particularly good at teaching foreign junior high school students who are living in Japan and teaching everyday Japanese to adults. Speaks Spanish fluently . Loves dancing and traveling.
También les ayudaré a pasar por sitios turísticos y experimentar actividades culturales en español. Como ya lo he mencionado arriba, me encanta bailar salsa, tango, ballet y entre otras cosas. También, he vivido en Buenos Aires. En Tokyo hay muchos lugares interesantes. Si les interesa podríamos ofrecerles la ruta original o como ustedes gusten. Espero verlos pronto.

Mineko Asada
Instruction using the direct method in Japanese and indirect method in Italian. Good at teaching all levels of foreign students. Teaches at major Japanese schools and also good at private lessons. Experience working as a dental clinic receptionist for 36 years and studied abroad in Italy.
Nel 2009 ho vinto una borsa di studio e ho studiato all’Università per Stranieri di Siena. Grazie a questa esperienza, insegno giapponese agli stranieri e faccio visite guidate di Tokyo per i visitatori dall’Italia. Possiamo organizzare l’itinerario a seconda dei vostri desideri. Il mio passatempo è fare le collane con le perle veneziane.

Haruko Nagasawa
Has experience teaching at major Japanese language schools and universities. Provides instruction using the direct method in Japanese and indirect method in English. Enjoys teaching all levels of students, especially zero level learners. Evaluates conversation level using the OPI method. Eager to tailor the lessons to meet the specific requests and needs of students. Has a master course in Japanese education.

Ryuko Horiuchi
Instruction using the direct method in Japanese and indirect method in English. Good at teaching all levels of students. With an extensive business background, she also teaches Japanese business manners. Additionally, she teaches at a major Japanese language school.

Maki Manabe
Instruction using the direct method in Japanese. Specializes in teaching intermediate to upper levels, particularly foreign junior high and high school students who are living in Japan. She can offer advice to student parents about choosing which high school or university to send their children to.

Nobuko Amano
Instruction using the direct method in Japanese. Good at teaching various levels of foreign students and adults living in Japan. Specializes in teaching useful, everyday life Japanese, and has knowledge of different types of self learning. Also teaches at a public association and Japanese language schools.

Mana Hartman
Instruction of Japanese using the direct method in Japanese or English. Enjoys teaching beginners and working professionals, especially those with a sense of humor. Experience in classroom, workplace, and private settings. Professional experience in Germany, the United States, and Japan.

Yuko Nomiyama
Instruction using the direct method in Japanese and indirect method in English and Italian. Good at teaching beginners to intermediate level foreign students. Teaches at major Japanese schools and also good at private lessons. Experience as a classical music performer for many years and studied abroad in Italy.

Hitoshi Inazumi
Instruction using the direct method in Japanese and indirect method in English. Good at teaching beginners level for foreign students and business people. Also teaches Yasashii Nihongo. Experience in manufacturing industry for 39 years, in charge of international businesses. Has been assigned to work in German, Italy, China and India.

Tomonori Sekiya
Instruction using the direct method in Japanese. Good at teaching upper intermediate level for foreign students. Experience working at a construction company for 34 years. Also teaches at major Japanese language schools. Specializes in teaching business manners to foreigners who work in Japanese companies.

Tomoko Akita
Instruction using the direct method in Japanese and indirect method in English are possible. Mainly responsible for intermediate to advanced level. Good at guidance for the JLPT exam. Also teaches at major Japanese language schools. She has experience performing as a classical pianist, having studied at a famous music school in New York.

Hideto Sanbuichi
Instruction using the indirect method in English and German. Good at teaching upper level and business people. Experience in the chemical industry for over 30 years. In charge of international businesses and has worked extensively in Europe. He also teaches business English to Japanese people. He is also a business consultant and artist.

Izumi Haga
Instruction using the direct method in Japanese and indirect method in English and Hindi. She can teach all levels of students. Has three years of teaching experience in India. Also has a deep love for Indian life and culture. Additionally, she teaches at major Japanese language schools.

Nanae Kameyama
Instruction using the direct method in Japanese and indirect method in English and German. Good at private lessons, business Japanese, and Yasashii Nihongo. In charge of all levels of students. Lived for many years in Germany and has a deep understanding of Germany and German culture.