Tori-no-Ichi is a traditional festival that has been celebrated since the Edo period, held every year on the Tori day of November. It takes place at shrines and temples associated with birds and is crowded with people praying for good business and good fortune. It is loved not only by business owners but also by the general public, and has now become a part of the Autumn Seasonal tradition.

酉の市とりのいちは、江戸えど時代じだいからつづ行事ぎょうじで、毎年まいとし11月がつとりおこなわれる伝統でんとうてきなおまつりです。とりにゆかりのある神社じんじゃ寺院じいんおこなわれ、商売しょうばい 繁盛はんじょう開運かいうんねが人々ひとびとでにぎわいます。商売しょうばいをする人だけでなく、一般いっぱんの 人々ひとびとにもしたしまれ、現在げんざいではあき風物詩ふうぶつしとなっています。

Shops lined with kumade, a popular good luck charm believed to gather fortune. Sellers and buyers clap their hands together while shouting lively calls, adding to the festive atmosphere of the event.


Otori Shrine at night has a mystical charm. Since the Edo period, visitors have come to pray for success and good fortune. You will experience the deep history and culture of Japan!


“Kiri Sansho” is a traditional sweet enjoyed since the Edo period. It has a chewy texture with a hint of Japanese pepper (sansho). Eating it on a chilly evening warms both the body and heart.


Please come with a rake in hand and grab your good luck for the new year.
