Since the Edo period, there have been three festivals in Tokyo known as the three major Edo festivals: Kanda Festival, Sanno Festival, and Fukugawa Festival. They have all been held for almost 380 years since the Edo period.

江戸えど時代じだいから、東京とうきょうには江戸えど三大祭さんだいまつりとばれるみっつのまつりがあります。 神田かんださい山王さんのうさい深川ふかがわさいです。これらのまつりは、江戸えど時代じだいから380ねんつづいています。

One of the festivals, the Sanno Festival, is held every other year in June. The 300 meter-long festival starts in the early morning in the Hie Jinja Shrine, and the festival procession continues around the Imperial Palace, Ginza, Hibiya, etc. until the evening, when it returns to the shrine. We can enjoy watching the collaboration of the modern landscape and the festival procession beyond ages.

そのうちのひとつである山王さんのうさいは、隔年かくねんで6がつおこなわれます。早朝そうちょう全長ぜんちょうやく300メートルの祭礼さいれい行列ぎょうれつ日枝ひえ神社じんじゃをスタートし、皇居こうきょ銀座ぎんざ日比谷ひびやなどを練り歩ね あるき、夕方ゆうがた神社じんじゃもどります。現代げんだいてき風景ふうけい祭礼さいれい行列ぎょうれつのコラボレーションは、時代じだいえてたのしむことができます。

Although many people went along with the procession, we waited at the Hie Jinja Shrine for it to return. It would also be fun to follow the procession around the city.

おおくのひと行列ぎょうれつ一緒いっしょ移動いどうしていましたが、わたしたちは日枝ひえ神社じんじゃ行列ぎょうれつかえりをつことにしました。東京とうきょうのど真ん中ま なか練り歩ね  あるくきらびやかな行列ぎょうれついかけるのも、とてもたのしいとおもいます。

We were able to see the many portable shrines up close as they came back in the evening. There were also many foreign tourists, and they looked like they were having fun taking photos and videos.


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In addition to the portable shrines, there were many sacred beasts like an elephant, dragon, and lion, etc.


If you have a chance, please go visit the festival!
