
Autumn Seasonal Traditions: Tori no Ichi(秋の風物詩:酉の市 )
Two-week short-term study abroad program in the summer(2週間の短期留学プログラム 夏)
Summer Seasonal Traditions: Lantern Floating (夏の風物詩:灯籠流し)
Summer Seasonal Traditions: Sanno Festival (夏の風物詩:山王祭)
John’s Travelogue Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route (立山黒部アルペンルート たてやまくろべあるぺんるーと, Toyama Prefecture 富山県)
John’s Travelogue Kurobe Gorge Railway (黒部峡谷トロッコ電車, くろべきょうこくとろっこでんしゃ, Toyama Prefecture 富山県)
Winter Intensive Japanese Program
John’s Travelogue Kurashiki (倉敷 くらしき, Okayama Prefecture, 岡山県)
John’s Travelogue San’in San’yō (Adachi Museum, 足立美術館, Shimane Prefecture, 島根県)
John’s Travelogue San’in San’yō (Izumo Taisha, 出雲大社, Shimane Prefecture, 島根県)
John’s Travelogue San’in San’yō (Itsukushima Shrine, 厳島神社, Hiroshima Prefecture, 広島県)
Walking from Central to Northern Tokyo With Lovely Italian Ladies
Enjoying Asakusa and Lantern Floating on the Sumida River With Lovely Italian Ladies
Have A Nice Summer Vacation
John’s Travelogue Kyushu (Hakata, 博多, Fukuoka Prefecture, 福岡県)
John’s Travelogue Kyushu (Saga Prefecture, 佐賀県)
John’s Travelogue Kyushu (Yufuin, ゆふいん, Oita Prefecture, 大分県)
The Charm of Ancient Nara
Online Business Japanese Course (New Student)
Sumo Wrestling Morning Practice(相撲 朝稽古)

For any inquiries, please contact us.